/*-------------------------------------------KEYWORDS-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------------------------------------END-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ Atlantis Guild: Computer Time Speeder Code

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Computer Time Speeder Code

This is a batch script that will speed up your computer time. The rate of increase depends on how fast your command prompt processes a batch script.

The code makes your computer time start at 00:00:00.00 military time. That's 12 AM. Then it makes it step at one second per cycle. Replace the initial variables with the time you want, if you want. This is an iteration script and it will not likely cause any processor time use-ups.

Here is the code:

@echo on
set /a seconds = 0
set /a minutes = 0
set /a hours = 0
time %hours%:%minutes%:%seconds%
set /a seconds = %seconds% + 1
if %seconds% GEQ 60 (
set /a seconds = 0
set /a minutes = %minutes% + 1
if %minutes% GEQ 60 (
set /a minutes = 0
set /a hours = %hours% + 1
if %hours% GEQ 24 set /a hours = 0

goto mark

Save this as a *.bat file.

Note that this does not change the date. It simply sends the time back to 12AM when it reaches past 11:59:59 PM

I still do not know what it's for but it's nice to have one coded.

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